Karishma Vaz
Karishma Vaz
"Hilla, really like the clean design and visuals you used."
  • over 1 year ago02/27/23 at 11:18 pm (UTC)
"Thierry, this is great! I had similar inspiration as you (space themed!) I am so curious about how you got the motion to be so smooth?"
  • over 1 year ago02/27/23 at 11:07 pm (UTC)
"Great idea and I really enjoyed the visuals, Julie. :)"
  • over 1 year ago02/27/23 at 11:05 pm (UTC)
"Enjoying the submissions so far and all the different interpretations. Keeping it simple for this week's challenge and not giving into ev..."
  • over 1 year ago02/27/23 at 11:04 pm (UTC)
"Jodi, this is so fun! I spent so much time clicking the arrows trying to figure out if the pizza was rotating or the images were appearin..."
  • over 1 year ago02/25/23 at 3:08 am (UTC)
"This is great, Maren. The menu matched the graphics well."
  • over 1 year ago02/25/23 at 3:05 am (UTC)
"Loved this, Samuel!"
  • over 1 year ago02/25/23 at 3:02 am (UTC)
"Good work, Ron! Took me a couple of clicks to find the next scene :)"
  • over 1 year ago02/25/23 at 2:59 am (UTC)
"Love the clean design, Jessica!"
  • over 1 year ago02/25/23 at 2:55 am (UTC)
"Great job. Visually great and the sound effects with it was a great touch!"
  • over 1 year ago02/25/23 at 2:49 am (UTC)
"So creative, as always! Loved the two styles of circular menus."
  • over 1 year ago02/25/23 at 2:49 am (UTC)
"Love the animation, Kaitrin! Well done :)"
  • over 1 year ago02/17/23 at 3:21 am (UTC)
"Hi Michael, I got the graphic for the cards from Freepik: https://www.freepik.com/free-vector/hand-drawn-mexican-lottery-design_30118599..."
  • over 1 year ago02/17/23 at 3:20 am (UTC)
"Thanks so much, Jessica :)"
  • over 1 year ago02/17/23 at 3:17 am (UTC)
"Thanks so much, Aimee! :)"
  • over 1 year ago02/17/23 at 3:16 am (UTC)
"Natalie, this is great! I enjoyed the animations paired with the sound effects. What did you use to create the tea and syrup pouring anim..."
  • over 1 year ago02/15/23 at 1:36 am (UTC)
"This is awesome Hilla! If it did not have the Articulate Review 'wrapper' around it - you could have fooled me that this was on Google's ..."
  • over 1 year ago02/15/23 at 1:33 am (UTC)
"Michele, this is awesome! Love all the different visuals. And well done for recording your voice. You've ripped the bandaid off now. :D"
  • over 1 year ago02/15/23 at 1:27 am (UTC)
"Thank you so much, Rema! I really appreciate the kind comments :)"
  • over 1 year ago02/15/23 at 1:23 am (UTC)
"Hey Michele! Love that we had a similar experience while looking for inspiration. I definitely spent a long time trying to win :D"
  • over 1 year ago02/15/23 at 1:22 am (UTC)
"Thanks for the kind words Kaitrin! :)"
  • over 1 year ago02/15/23 at 1:20 am (UTC)
"Thanks so much Ron! Glad my digging around for the code may help your future projects too."
  • over 1 year ago02/15/23 at 1:19 am (UTC)
"This is so great, Aman! I enjoyed the eyes following my mouse the most. Such a great touch"
  • over 1 year ago02/13/23 at 2:48 am (UTC)
"Hi Jessica, this is a really fun game! I like the graphics and the animations. Would love to know what software you used for it :)"
  • over 1 year ago02/13/23 at 2:46 am (UTC)
"What a fun challenge! After a two year hiatus and lurking in the background checking out all the amazing submissions, it's nice to be bac..."
  • over 1 year ago02/13/23 at 2:41 am (UTC)