Nick Strapp
Nick Strapp
Partner at Buckland360
Nick Strapp started a new discussion Deleting content from Mobile Player
"Hi - Mobile Player on iPad is great but can you suggest how I can delete content? I develop a lot of presentations for colleagues and che..."
  • over 10 years ago09/25/13 at 10:08 am (UTC)
Nick Strapp replied to the discussion Transfer licenses to a different PC
"Hi Peter Thank you for your response - and that is very helpful. Having the PC and laptop access will make everything fit my needs perfec..."
  • 11 years ago02/13/13 at 2:19 am (UTC)
Nick Strapp replied to the discussion Transfer licenses to a different PC
"Hello I have a singe license for running Storyline from my main PC. However, due to domestic reasons I need to set up a temporary office ..."
  • 11 years ago02/10/13 at 9:53 am (UTC)