Robert Hoisan
Robert Hoisan
Senior E-learning Design Specialist
  • London, UK
Robert Hoisan replied to the discussion Javascript not triggering
"Oh it actually works, my bad. Is just that my text variable was named differently, TextEntry25 instead of TextEntry. var p = GetPl..."
  • 4 years ago04/17/20 at 11:26 am (UTC)
Robert Hoisan replied to the discussion Javascript not triggering
"Hello, Does anyone know of a working script for removing leading and trailing spaces in text boxes? The JS script above does not see..."
  • 4 years ago04/17/20 at 10:59 am (UTC)
Robert Hoisan replied to the discussion Adding Storyline Video Controls...
"Thanks, this works great! Have a nice weekend. "
  • 4 years ago04/05/20 at 5:36 pm (UTC)
Robert Hoisan replied to the discussion Adding Storyline Video Controls...
"Hi Mateusz Works perfectly now. Thanks! Have a great weekend. "
  • 4 years ago04/05/20 at 5:35 pm (UTC)
Robert Hoisan replied to the discussion Adding Storyline Video Controls...
"Hi Mateusz, you are a life saver. Works perfectly now. Thanks! Have a great weekend. "
  • 4 years ago04/05/20 at 5:34 pm (UTC)
Robert Hoisan replied to the discussion Adding Storyline Video Controls...
"Hello, Is this code still working? I tried to add it to a trigger at the beginning of the slide but it doesn't work, nothing happens. Any..."
  • 4 years ago04/05/20 at 5:18 pm (UTC)
Robert Hoisan replied to the discussion Javascript to MUTE audio?
"Dear Nigel, you are a life saver. I was looking to make my custom volume buttons work for quite some time. This does..."
  • 4 years ago03/29/20 at 3:28 pm (UTC)