Rim de Haan
Rim de Haan
Content Creator at Transafe
Rim de Haan added the course Verantwoordelijkheden van de betrokkenen
"Explaining the responsibilities of the different parties in the transport of dangerous goods in an interactive animation"
  • 1 year ago02/17/23 at 12:15 pm (UTC)
Rim de Haan added the course Toepassingsgebied van het ADN, ADR en RID
"Interactive map showing where the different laws organising transportation of dangerous good in Europe, Asia and Africa."
  • 1 year ago02/17/23 at 11:09 am (UTC)
Rim de Haan added the course Tabel C
"Transportation of dangerous goods over the inland waterways, is bound to the international law of ADN. Course in Dutch."
  • 1 year ago02/17/23 at 10:58 am (UTC)
Rim de Haan added the course RID aanvulling kenmerking en etikettering
"Course based upon international law organising the transport of dangerous goods by trains in Europe. Course is in Dutch."
  • 1 year ago02/17/23 at 10:38 am (UTC)