irma Timmerman
irma Timmerman
Adviseur Training& Development at PostNL
irma Timmerman started a new discussion replacing studio 09 to an other computer
"Hi, i'm getting an other laptop. How can ik replace studio 09 to this other computer?"
  • almost 11 years ago07/25/13 at 12:22 am (UTC)
irma Timmerman started a new discussion results form a survey
"How can i see the participants answers, when my survey is placed in a lms? Asked this question a few hours ago, what happened? It hasn't ..."
  • almost 11 years ago07/18/13 at 1:54 am (UTC)
irma Timmerman started a new discussion seeing results of a survey
"I want to place a survey in our LMS. How do i see the answers of the participants? Can't seem to find this information anywhere."
  • almost 11 years ago07/18/13 at 12:00 am (UTC)