In a recent blog post, I shared how to control object appearance in Storyline by utilizing an inverse trigger order.  It’s a really great technique and worth the watch.  After reading the post, a community member asked whether it would be possible to control object appearance via a check box.  An example might be that a learner would need to indicate that they had read a particular block of text before the next block of text appears.  This is a great question and the answer is “absolutely”.  You can accomplish this with hidden states and triggers. Here’s how:

  • Add your text objects and check boxes to the screen. 
  • Leaving the starting text and check box in the normal state, set the starting state of the other text objects and check boxes to “Hidden”.

Image showing objects in a hidden state

  • Add a trigger to the 1st set of hidden objects (that you wish to appear) to change their state to normal when the user clicks* the first check box.
  • Add a trigger to the 2nd set of hidden objects (that you wish to appear) to change their state to normal when the user clicks* the second check box.

*Note: You can accomplish this by using either the “when user clicks” trigger, or when the “state” of the check box button is selected trigger.  In my example, I chose to use the states option as it seemed to be a quicker method of production.

I’ll walk you through the process in this Screenr:

If you want to try this yourself but don't have Storyline, no problem. Just sign up for a fully functional, free trial. And don't forget to post your questions and comments in the forums! We're here to help. For more e-learning tips, examples, and downloads, follow us on Twitter.