Converting Classroom Activities to Interactive E-Learning #465

Converting Classroom Activities to E-Learning #465: Challenge | Recap

Some of the most common questions we get about building e-learning come from teachers moving from traditional classrooms to online teaching. 

Sure, they have the education and teaching background and find today's authoring tools easy enough to learn. However, their bigger challenge is visualizing how they'll recreate the classroom experience in a meaningful online format.

Here are some of the most frequent questions we hear:

  • How can I adapt my classroom teaching strategies to e-learning?
  • How do I overcome the lack of face-to-face interaction?
  • How can I maintain student engagement and accountability?
  • How do I repurpose classroom materials for an online format?
  • How can I effectively assess student performance online?

Whether or not you have a background in classroom teaching, you're looking for ways to build better online training. And that's what this week's challenge is all about.

🏆 Challenge of the Week

This week, you have three options for your challenge demo:

  1. Rework an everyday classroom activity into an e-learning interaction. When you submit your example, include a description or link to the original classroom activity.
  2. Convert any static content (classroom, e-learning, job aid, etc.) into an e-learning interaction. See challenge #424 for more ideas.
  3. Share a tip or technique to help teachers move from traditional classrooms to e-learning. This option can be either static or interactive. See e-learning challenge recap #383 for more ideas.

✨ Share Your E-Learning Work

  • Comments: Use the comments section below to link your published example and blog post.
  • Forums: Start a new thread and share a link to your published example.
  • Personal blog: If you have a blog, please consider writing about your challenges. We'll link to your posts so your great work gets even more exposure.
  • Social media: If you share your demos on Twitter or LinkedIn, try using #ELHChallenge so your tweeps can follow your e-learning coolness.

🙌 Last Week’s Challenge:

Before you go back to school, check out the labeled graphic interactions your fellow community members shared over the past two weeks:

19 Examples of Labeled Graphics & Interactive Markers in E-Learning #464

Labeled Graphics in E-Learning RECAP #464: Challenge | Recap

👋 New to the E-Learning Challenges?

The weekly e-learning challenges are ongoing opportunities to learn, share, and build your e-learning portfolios. You can jump into any or all of the previous challenges anytime you want. I’ll update the recap posts to include your demos.

Learn more about the challenges in this Q&A post and why and how to participate in this helpful article

📆 Upcoming Challenges

  • Challenge #466 (06.21): Accessibility Makeovers. See challenge #417 for a general idea of what we’re doing.
  • Challenge #467 (06.28): Using 360° images. See challenge #337 for examples.
  • Challenge #468 (07.05): Drag-and-drop interactions. This will be a general drag-drop challenge, so you can share anything you like. 
Eva Ludowig
Jodi M. Sansone
Ange CM
Jodi M. Sansone
Jonathan Hill
Ron Katz
eLearn Dev
Alexandria Jackson-Ponce

Hello! This is my first time sharing, but I'm super excited to contribute. One struggle in the conversion of in person to virtual training is learners engaging with each other. This was accomplished in person by creating icebreakers/games. Some trainers/IDs accomplish this virtually through breakout rooms. In this icebreaker called 'Survival', learners are prompted to work together to determine which 10 items would give them the highest chance of survival if they were stuck (insert random place). Usually, the teams would share their items and that would be the end of the game. To add some engagement to this and make it easier for the virtual environment, the game has been built in storyline with a pre-selected location as well as obstacles that occur throughout their time there;... Expand

Ron Katz
Stephen Taperek
Daniel Canaveral
Anna Piasecka
Megan Larkin

Hi all, This is my first go-round playing in Rise 360, it's quite fun. I've adapted a lesson from an 8th grade US History course to a DEIB Juneteenth eLearning activity -- figured it was fitting for today's holiday! Find the original classroom slides here: Now, it looks like this: In thinking through how to make it interactive, I wanted to consider the trashketball game I had played with students, but couldn't quite figure out how to make that work and didn't want to change the tone of the activity. Any feedback you have on the microlearning Juneteenth c... Expand

Ange CM
Kate Golomshtok

Hey everyone! This week's challenge reminded me of geography class. We had to memorize the names of the states and their capitals. It wasn't very interesting or effective to just look in a map and cram. So I decided to revisit the past and make something like a trainer. You need to match the name of the federal state with its position on the map. Enjoy! It seems to me that there are great opportunities for those who teach a foreign language. A few earlier examples related to language learning came to mind. https://360.arti... Expand

Jayashree Ravi
Mallory Frazier