
Did you know that we offer localized e-learning insights for our French- and German-speaking users? 

Earlier this year, we launched our French and German blogs featuring content from our International Community Managers, Allison LaMotte and Nicola Appel. These blogs offer new articles about the latest e-learning trends, helpful advice and best practice tips, free downloads for your e-learning courses, quick and easy tutorials, and community discussions every day. 

To make sure you don't miss out on any of their updates, subscribe to their blogs here: “Les Essentiels du E-Learning” (French) and “E-Learning Einfach Gemacht” (German). When you subscribe, you’ll get our comprehensive e-book, 5 Highly Effective Strategies for Creating Compelling E-Learning, translated into French and German. We'd love it if you helped us spread the word to your friends and colleagues about these amazing resources! 

French & German Blog Headers

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