So I’ve been working on a few template ideas, and I’ve found myself gravitating toward designs with lots of black.

I really like black. It’s versatile and classy, and it can add a feel of elegance and sophistication to your course. Kind of like a little black dress, except you never have to worry about whether or not you’ll be able to zip it up. 

Pair your black course design with some sharp photos and bright accent colors, and the contrast can cause text and objects to seem almost luminous, like they’re lifting right off the screen.

Some Samples & Downloads

Below are a couple examples I built. These were inspired by some designs I liked at If you’re looking for additional inspiration, there are all sorts of other stunning black-themed websites out there that’ll spur some great ideas.

Check out the link below each thumbnail if you’d like to download the layouts and adapt them for your own projects.

View the published sample  |  Download the template

View the published sample  |  Download the template

Want an Articulate Presenter Player to Match?

For a super-sleek look, you can also use tones of black or gray in your Articulate Presenter player. The samples above were published with a player color scheme called Blackest Black (you can get it here and unzip it into the location of your system's color schemes). Or you could try one of the built-in color schemes that come with Articulate Presenter. Several that look nice are with black-themed slides are Black ‘09, Silver ‘09, Slate ‘09, Charcoal, and Gunship Grey. Or of course you could always customize your own player color scheme to include tones of black or the accent colors in your course slides. If you’re not sure how to switch to a different player color scheme or customize your own scheme, check out this tutorial for step-by-step help.

Jeanette Brooks
Amanda Westendorf
Efrat Maor

@Amanda in cognitive psychology and ergonomics they searched which are the best contracts. It is always dark over light background. But, if you have a presentaiton in which the user\learner doesn;t have to read much - other combinations can be used. Lots of reading on a dark background will feel much more exhausting, BTW - for ILT dark backrounds are the worst. You can't rely on whatever projector will be availbable in the class (in our case class can take place anywhere in the world, each location having its own standards). When projector is not good enough and'or the class\room has lots of light - it will be hard to read on a dark background, much more then on a light one. Exmpales like Jeanette brought I amazing for sales presentations, for short managerial presentations, or... Expand