Random Engage interactions not opening

Nov 04, 2011


Please ignore my post below (I'd delete it but can't find a delete button) I've just discovered the reason for the problem. The interactions had been deleted. The mystery deepens!


Last year I created a course using Presenter and Engage. The course is stored in the original folder it was created in on my PC (as well as online where it's accessed by customers).

I've just been in to check some of the units on the PC and some of the engage interactions aren't opening, not even a status circle, just a blank area where the interaction should be. I've checked the equivalent units online and these seem to be working fine. I haven't touched this local version at all so I'm mystified why they should be having this problem. It's only happening to the odd one or two interactions so it's all very puzzling.

Is there any reason why the local version should be having this problem? I've republished one of the units with the issue and this solves the problem but why should the interactions stop working in the first place?



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