508 Compliance

May 20, 2013

Can anyone direct me to tutorials on making Presenter and Engage accessible?

1 Reply
Peter Anderson

Hey Cheryl, welcome to the community

There are certain things you can do to make your published output meet 508 compliance. For example: 

1) Ensure that keyboard shortcuts are activated: 


2) Use presenter notes or a script to launch in a new window 


3) Our software meet certain parts of Section 508 compliance: 

Presenter '09: 

Quizmaker '09: 

Engage '09: 

...but are not JAWS reader compatible. 


You can also create alternate versions of your content that is accessible by following the methods described in this blog article: 


Note: This article provides guidance on how to create a Section 508 compliant course. However, full compliance of Section 508 will vary by organization. Thus, additional steps beyond what this article provides may be necessary (e.g., accounting for video captioning, interactive scenarios, etc.).

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