Articulate Presenter 13 & Slide Query Javascript

Mar 13, 2014

Hi all,

I've been working with Articulate from version 5 through 09, and have made good use of the Slide Query string launch to place users at specific speakers within a presentation from an index launch page. 

onClick="javascript:void(LaunchPresentation(true, true,'S01/player.html?slide=1')) ; return false;"

In testing out Presenter 13, the old code string doesn't seem to work as is, and I haven't been able to locate any information on whether or not this feature has been retained, and in what format it should now use. 

Any help would be appreciated, it's kind of a needed item for our product.



2 Replies
Scott Coulson

Okay, so I've found in the Launcher.html the section where it sets the start page
var g_strStartPage = "presentation.html" +;

In previous versions you would add "?slide=2" for example and the player would launch to slide 2.

Is this still possible with Articulate Presenter 2013? 

Is there a way to pass along the slide number I want and have the player start at that number?


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