Audio File Corrupted on Import

Oct 02, 2014

System: HP Pavilion Desktop
AMD A6-5200 APU w/ Radeon Graphics 2.00GHz
RAM: 8.00GB
64-bit, x64-based processor
PPT 2013
Presenter 2013v1 (I updated to the latest version but had issues and so installed the initial release)

When I import my audio, 44.1KHz 16-bit .wavs, it goes from nice, clean sound to corrupted; the level is reduced and a high noise-to-signal ratio is introduced.

Links to:

--Audio Source files, approx. 220mb, multiple .wavs (

--Articulate Presenter package, approx. 44mb (


11 Replies
Leslie McKerchie

Hi Adam! Thanks for sharing the details of your situation and sorry for the delay in getting back to you, but we have been testing and trying to understand what is going on.

I hear the issue that you are having, but cannot re-create it with any other audio file (other than yours). We even tried to convert the file to different formats, utilized different computers, and your audio just does not like to work in Presenter.

Could you share some more information about how you recorded this audio? Mic, software, etc.

adam schreck

Thank you so much for the response Leslie. 

The audio was recorded through a Heath Allen (Zed 14) board and taken directly into a ZOOM H2n. I'm about 80% sure it was recorded as a 44.1 KHz .wav in the ZOOM. 

From there, I first processed it on a Mac using Adobe Soundtrack and, then later (when I had issues), with Adobe Audition to edit and create discrete 16bit .wavs for syncing with the files in Articulate Presenter (on the PC with the specs posted above).  

It's very, very odd indeed...

Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Adam,

I'm sorry that we don't have an update to share in regards to this issue, but it still seems this particular file is the problematic element as I don't see any other indication on this report filed with our QA team that other users have experienced the same issue following the steps you took with your file. If you continue to experience problematic behavior with other files that you've worked on, please let us know so that we can continue to look at other examples of this.

The issue does currently remain with our QA team for review, and I'll include a note there that you're looking for additional information, although I cannot offer a timeframe in regards to when I'd hear back from our QA team. 

If you need anything else please let us know! 

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