branching + quiz

Jun 09, 2014


I'm planning on creating a course with 2 different paths a user can take, and 2 different quizzes whichever path the user took. Is this possible? I know I can only choose 1 assessment to be passed to the LMS, but I was hoping there is a workaround for this?

7 Replies
Leslie McKerchie

Hi Miguel!

Have you checked out this documentation on feedback and branching in quizmaker?  You may be able to build one quiz, with different question groups, and have the first question branch to the appropriate group.

You are only able to send one set of results to the LMS. 

Perhaps someone in the community has played around with this if you are looking for a different solution to our standard supported methods.

Christine Hendrickson

Hi Miguel,

You won't be able to do this type of branching within Quizmaker itself, but you may be able to do this in Presenter using two published quizzes. 

For example, you could publish the two separate quizzes in Quizmaker '13 and upload both quizzes to your LMS. You could insert both quizzes in different slides in PowerPoint/Presenter using a Web Object. Use Presenter/PowerPoint navigation for the quizzes. 

The only issue you'll have with this set up is that you won't get scoring for both quizzes for one learner. However, learners will be able to choose their path and complete the quiz that's assigned to that particular portion of the presentation. 

Just wanted to share this suggestion - hopefully it's an option that will work for you.

Best of luck on the project!


Miguel Gococo

Hi Christine,

I will try this out, I have no experience yet with using a Web Object so I will try and see what I can do with your suggestion, thank you very much.

But 1 question though, which should I choose for the LMS tracking options though? Since the quiz is basically not another SCORM file outside the parent scorm file, if that makes sense.

Christine Hendrickson

Hi Miguel,

You would be publishing each quiz as a standalone quiz - each would be uploaded into the LMS, using the same options (unless you prefer to use different ones). 

After you publish them for LMS, upload to the LMS and insert the URL for the quizzes into the project, you can then publish the entire project using Presenter. Just keep in mind, again, that the presenter course will report separately from the other quizzes. 

Another option would be to "roadblock" users. You would insert the actual quizzes into Presenter, but not allow learners to continue past the quizzes until they pass. After doing so, you could then use just Presenter for tracking/reporting, but you wouldn't see the answers and scoring for the actual quizzes. If they make it to the end, however, you'd know that they passed at least one of the quizzes that they accessed. 

Let us know how it turns out!


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