Exporting and re-importing audio

Aug 16, 2011

With a colleague I've just recorded an audio track in Articulate for her presentation. The original audio quality has turned out to be dire (please don't ask why as it's not relevant), and what I'd like to do is run some filters over it to make it slightly less dire. I can't do this in Articulate as it only has a basic splice-and-dice audio editor (which is fine - I'm not being critical). What I'm after knowing is: can I export the whole audio track, then re-import it into Articulate so that the slide timings are kept? It's a half-hour presentation so it would be a pain to readjust all the slide timings as I'd have to listen to it all through.

I know that you can export audio as there's a support article on it but that exports each slide's audio as a separate file, and I want to edit the whole audio track in a wave editor.

I've a feeling that I can't do what I want, but thought I'd best ask anyway just in case.


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