Inserting Flash Interaction (swf file)

Jul 04, 2011

Hi there,

I tried adding a flash interaction by inserting a flash movie.

Every attempt resulted with audio mishaps (audio over audio) and with no ability in using the tabs in the interaction.

How do I overcome this issue?


5 Replies
David Anderson

Hi Abby and welcome to E-learning Heroes!

Can you tell us any more about the type of Flash movie you're working with? The two most common reasons for Flash files not working as expected are:

  1. Files were created using ActionScript 3 (Studio '09 currently supports AS2)
  2. References to _root and _level0 in the Flash code

A lot of times movies include multiple timelines and work when inserted as "Play independently" rather than "Synchronize to slide". How did you insert your Flash movie--which option did you select when you inserted it?

Here's a good article on best practices that's worth bookmarking:

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