Learning games - French text

Jul 16, 2014

We are currently having an issue. We create training products in both official languages (english, french). We created learning games slides in english, but now that we are working on the french version, we are unable to change the english interaction text to french, such as Welcome (Bienvenue), Continue (Continuer) Time (Temps), etc....Where can we change this text? We have looked in all the templates and language choices, these terms don't appear in the lists, which would allow us to change them.

5 Replies
S. Laplante

We have done both of the suggestions in the player label tutorial. The labels that are showing up in the Learning Games, do not appear in the Player Text labels. We are running Articulate '09, and while it looks a little different than the pictures in the tutorial, the steps are basically the same.

Ine the list of Player Text Labels, Welcome, Time, Continue, and others, which are present in the Learning Games function, are not there, therefore not allowing us to change them. We have input our own french text, in the areas we can input our own text. We have also noticed that it will not take any french characters, like è,é, etc.

S. Laplante

Thank you for that. Being in the federal government, and therefore requiring fully translated training products, this is yet another proverbial monkey wrench we have had with Articulate. I cannot even submit a request to your Submit a Feature link, it appears to be blocking me. I do not understand why it has to be so difficult to use your product, in a multilingual fashion, in this day and age.

Leslie McKerchie

I understand, and Articulate felt the same way, which is why it was not included in our latest products.

We weren’t satisfied with the learning games in previous versions of Articulate Presenter; they didn’t provide the kind of learning experiences we believe are most effective. When upgrading an existing presentation to Presenter '13, learning games will be removed.

With the new interactions in Articulate Engage '13 and the freeform questions in Articulate Quizmaker '13, you can easily create more meaningful, interactive learning experiences.

As shared in the thread above, you may be better off to create the content that you need so that you can translate the information that you need to.

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