Notes Tab Colour Not Changing

Oct 08, 2014

I am having issues with the notes tab colour setting. All text colours are set to white, with background as black; we are using the generic black player template.

The menu text colour does show as white in both preview mode and in our LMS, hoever the notes tab show black on black and will not change in preview mode nor in our LMS.

I have turn off the notes tab, saved published exited and then turned it back on to no avail. I have also changed its location, from top right/ left to sidebar to no avail.

7 Replies
Leslie McKerchie

Hi Matt!

Okay, I'm not understanding what the issue is.

The image you attached shows the Notes tab selected, so the text is in white, which is how the tabs are set up in the Black Color Scheme. When it is not selected it will be the dark gray text.

When you preview, select the Notes tab in your preview window, does it not do what you expect?

Just help me explain and you are welcome to share your Articulate Package if you would like me to take a look.

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