Open Sesame Validation

Feb 20, 2013


Has anyone uploaded courses to Open Sesame?

We have had issues with our courses passing the Open Sesame validation process. Some of them pass, some of them fail.

The feedback from Open S is that the courses are not validating - there is no completion message sent to their system when the course ends - e.g. passing a test or ending the course.

We've not had an issue with course tests or completion in our LMS. Are we missing an LMS setting in Articulate?



11 Replies
Peter Anderson

Hi Scott, 

The best way to troubleshoot this, would be to try testing your course in SCORM Cloud to help us determine if the issue is Articulate-related or if it's on your LMS's side. If it appears in SCORM Cloud as well, we'd be happy to take a closer look at what might be going on. If you can't replicate the issue in SCORM Cloud, it's probably an issue that you'd want to take to your LMS team. The articles here and here may also help clear up common LMS issues.

Hope that helps!

Scott Hewitt

Hi Celito, 

We ended up publishing our courses fine using courses created using Studio. They are SCORM 1.2. I recall it was due to our settings on Open Sesame and not Articulate - we changed the settings and everything was fine. We didn't have too problems in the end. Our courses were uploaded.

We upload SCORM 1.2 versions.



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