Video Player Running Slow - Can it be Replaced?

Jun 20, 2013

Hi everyone, we are experiencing some issues with our player in some locations which are running videos.  At these locations it may take anywhere from 50 seconds to several minutes before the white screen is populated with a video.

In some of the cases we were able to right click on the page and tell the flash player to start, which started several seconds later.

I'm not sure what's going on with the product, but I'm hoping to know if we can optimize or change the output file.



1 Reply
Leslie McKerchie

Hi Chad and Welcome to E-Learning Heroes! I'm assuming that you are not seeing the same issues being reported to you, and that puts you at the mercy of the user's connection speed or high internet traffic which could interfere with playback. This tutorial shares some tips on videos in your presentation. If you'd like, tell us more about the learner environment and share the link to your published output as well as the .story file so that we could offer more assistance if needed.  If you cannot share it publicly, please submit here.

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