1 questionnaire testing 2 fields of knowledge.

Feb 02, 2015

Dear Community,

I would like to create 1 questionnare in Articulate, which contains 48 multiple choice questions and which will test the knowledge of the people on 2 fields. At the end of the questionnaire, I would like to show the Result to the people per field.

Can somebody tell me, how to do this?



5 Replies
Gizella Kocsis

Hi Allison,

Thanks for the feedback, I use Quizmaker 13. So I need to create 2 Questionnaires.

I have another question: I wanted to upload my questions with the upload file however I received error message of Multiple Choice Questions must have 1 correct answer.

In the excel file I filled in the Answer 1-4, I did not fill in the Feedback columns. I could not find out, what I do wrong. I could not find field, either, where I could mark the correct Answer. I send you the file, how I filled in.

Can you help in this?

Best regards, Gizella


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