Creating Unique results page based on total points

Aug 06, 2023

Hi all! I am trying to create a quiz/survey that based on the total points earned yields a differentiated results page. The learner will take a 5-question quiz and based on their results it will tell them their communication style (Think the old Cosmo quizzes - if you score between 1-10 you are a turtle; if you score between 11-20 you are an eagle...). On the results page, I want it to show their total points (easy) and then tell them their type based on the point parameters. I am OK learning how to add the variables if that is the answer...but I need some guidance. I feel like either Quizmaker or Storyline must have this ability but I cannot find any tutorials or discussions. Any help is greatly appreciated!!

3 Replies
Eric Santos

Hi Hope,

Thanks for reaching out regarding a unique Storyline Result Page based on total points. My colleague, Sarah, shared a Storyline template that I think would be perfect for your requirements. You can find the link to the page below with a Download button for the Storyline template. It also has tips on customizing the template for your use case.

Please let me know if you have any questions!

Kali Maginity

Hey Hope, did you find the solution you were looking for? I recently created something with similar functionality for one of the E-Learning Challenges. Basically the "compare" button has a series of triggers to show 1 of 5 results layers based on the current value of the word count variable (screenshot attached). I think you could achieve something similar with your score variable! Happy to help you workshop it if you're interested! :)