HTML5 output marks correct matching-drag-and-drop question as incorrect

Jan 30, 2015

Has anyone else come across this?  There seems to be a bug when using HTML5 output of published quizzes. HTML5 version of a published quiz (inside a presentation) is marking matching drag and drop question as incorrect, when correct matches are selected.
I made a simple 3-question quiz and dropped it into a blank presentation and published it.  If you run the presentation.html file and answer all 3 questions correctly, the result is 100%. Using the same course files, then run the presentation_html5.html file and answer 3 questions exactly the same, the result is only 67% as it marks the matching drag and drop question incorrectly.

it's annoying as so many of our users are choosing to view our courses on tablets and other mobile devices that use the HTML5 output and think we have set up the questions with wrong answers.

Anyone? thanks!

6 Replies
Fernand Smeets

Hi Paul and Leslie,

Thanks for your responses, Paul may i ask what your workaround is until it is fixed?
Is the html5 function useless when using quizes? or have you found that some question types did work for you? The quiz is an integral part of my course design and its a mobile course so html5 is also a requirement.

Paul Hansen

Hi Fernand,

For me, it seems to be only the drag-and-drop questions that have the HTML5 issue. Here's the information I gave to Articulate in the support ticket:

There is a bug when using HTML5 output of published quizzes. HTML5 version of a published quiz (inside a presentation) is marking matching drag and drop question as incorrect, when correct matches are selected. I have created a test file and attached. The correct answers are obvious. If you run the presentation.html file and answer all 3 questions correctly, the result is 100%. Using the same course files, then run the presentation

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