Issues using Articulate 09 with Quizmaker 09

Mar 16, 2015


We are using Articulate 09 with Quizmaker 09 and facing the 3 following problems :

 -       when we uncheck “allow user to skip survey questions”, we cannot go to previous slides anymore. Is there a way to make it possible to go to previous slide even though replying to the quiz is mandatory?

 -       When a quiz slide displays, the user has to click Submit. But s/he gets confused with the other window navigation elements (those at the bottom and center of the window). Is there a way to hide the navigation elements (at the bottom and centered) when a quiz is on?

 -       when opening the module with Chrome, attachments files won’t open. We have fixed the usual sources of the problem (pop up window, security, etc.), as already mentioned in the forum but still the attachments won’t open. Have you any other tip to solve this problem?

 Many thanks in advance.


1 Reply
Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Ghislaine, 

- You may want to look at the set up to allow the user to submit all at once, as then that way they're able to navigate back and forth and this may also help with the other navigation issues you mentioned in terms of the other elements on the slide, as then the user won't have a submit button to deal with either. This set up is described here. 

In regards to the files, are you testing the published content within the intended environment as described here? You'll also want to make sure you're using a supported browser as detailed here. 

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