Lot of problems with getting quizmaker to work!! Major issues

Aug 21, 2012

I am new to this, but I having major problems with this software, which makes me start wondering why I did have my employer purchase this. 

Problems as follows:

1) startup of published quiz is blocked by adobe acrobat on startup of extracted quiz saying files are unsafe on computer running windows XP or alternatively  windows 7 blocks extraction  of zip file stating it is a "dangerous file" so I cannot even extract the quiz

2) unable to get quiz results to email back

3) unable to review quiz results

4) unable to get audio to play for feedback for quiz questions

5) unable to get slides showing feedback to show up after quiz completion, so that the quiz taker can review the feedback (either audio or written)

5) unable to get articulate to respond to my initial problems with this software to find solutions

At this point, I am out of ideas and fixes from my side and I welcome any suggestions on how to deal with this.  Otherwise, I may have to chalk this up to a poorly considered purchase, though I did have advice on this software prior to purchasing by ans educational IT consultant.


1 Reply
Justin Wilcox

Hi Kevin and welcome to Heroes! First off I apologize you did not receive a timely response. It looks like the reply was sent to the wrong email address.  I'll try to answer some of these questions the best I can.

  1. Adobe Flash Player has security settings which will prompt you if you are viewing content on your local drive or a local network drive. For best results I would recommend testing your content online  via a valid http address. You could also do something like use Dropbox.
  2. Here's an article which discusses why you may not be able to use the email results.
  3. Here's an article which outlines why printing results does not show quiz level detail as well as how to enable quiz results.
  4. If you are importing the audio be sure to use a 16 bit 44 KHZ PCM WAV files as noted here. The article was written for Presenter but the steps should be the same.
  5. A quiz will only display feedback if you have set it up to submit one question at a time.

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