navigation options

Jan 24, 2012

I would like to create links from questions in a quiz to the relevant content in a presentation to allow the learner to review the content for question that were missed. Ideally, I would like the learer to be able to navigate from the feedback provided for an incorrect response to the content and back to the quiz. If not this then I would like to provide a summary of correct and incorrect responses that could be linked to the relevant content and allow navigation between the content and the summary.

Does anyone know if there is a way do any of this with Articulate?


Neil Snepp

2 Replies
Peter Anderson

Welcome to Heroes, Neil!

You won't be able to link to a slide outside of Quizmaker and then back to Quizmaker, but check out this idea for creating customized feedback with blank slides and branching for a possible alternative. And also, you can use the Quiz Properties for a quiz in your Presenter ’09 presentation to branch a user to a specific slide in the presentation based on their quiz results (pass or fail). Here's how to do that.

Welcome again, Neil, and I hope that's helpful! Let us know...

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