One Click Answering? - Interactive Conversation

Oct 05, 2011

I'm looking for a way to make the quiz more like a conversation, so they can advance just by clicking their answer (rather than by choosing their answer and then hitting submit)

Is there any way to have the single click of choosing an answer (true/false, hotspot, multiple choice) function as the "final answer" and move directly to the next question?

We want to use the software for marketing purposes, so we aren't really grading anything, but we are using the quiz to learn more about the visitor's needs and how we can help them. We want to keep things moving quickly with as few clicks as possible.

If a single click can function as a complete answer, it will reduce the number of clicks required and increase our visitor throughput.

Quizmaker is a great program, but this functionality is holding us back from using it for this purpose.  Thanks for your help!

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