Quiz grading at 100% before quiz is completed

May 18, 2016

Hello...I have a quiz that the passing score is 100% and we are allowing unlimited attempts at a question to ensure they get the correct answer.  The user can leave the quiz at any time and complete later.  During user testing, I answered 3 questions and left the quiz.  It returned where I left off with no problems, but the quiz already has a score of 100% before it is complete.  Why is this happening?

Any help is appreciated, thank you. Laura

3 Replies
Leslie McKerchie

Hi Laura!

Thanks for sharing your file and allowing me to take a look. 

Your completion status is the key with your setup. The score is calculated based on points/points attempted, so yes, your user will have 100% even if leaving too soon.

If you wish to avoid this and have the completion status line up with the score, you may want to consider setting the quiz to Submit All vs submit one at a time.


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