Quiz - no Submit Button, no feedback displaying, and can't move forward???

Nov 25, 2014

Hello, I recently published a quiz in which each question has feedback. sometimes by choice and sometimes by question.

When I actually take the quiz, the very first question gets stuck. I can make a couple answer selections but there is no Submit button; only Next and Previous.

However, the Next button doesn't work like a Submit button; I don't receive feedback nor can I move forward.

Anyone experience this and know what's wrong? Thanks!

13 Replies
Leslie McKerchie

Hi Matthew! Yes, we always advise utilizing the newest update, and this will repair your software as well.

I noticed that my link above had already expired, and I'm not sure if you were able to take a look, because I am seeing the opposite of what you shared in your image.



Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Kaj,

This thread dealt with an issue in Quizmaker, so if you're using Storyline it'll be a bit different. Did you already check the slide properties to see if those buttons were enabled instead of the "submit" button? If you're still having difficulty with a file, can you please confirm that you're working locally as described here and then let us take a look at one of your project files? 

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