Quiz Scoring

Oct 08, 2013

Good morning,

I'm relatively new to using Articulate Storyline.  A colleague of mine had created a quiz, and I tried to re-puropse it, but in doing so, the results/scoring went haywire.  The variables aren't matching up to the corresponding quiz.  I can't figure out how to determine which variable the results are tallying under (to reassign).  I see where the variables are (via the Trigger menu), but I don't know what to do from there. 

So, the core of my issue is - how do I determine which variables are tied to which quiz/fields?  How do I tell quizmaker which variable to store the quiz results in?


 - Mark

3 Replies
Justin Grenier

Good Afternoon Mark, and welcome to Heroes!

Articulate Quizmaker and Articulate Storyline are actually two different products.  You are posting in a Quizmaker Forum (and you've referred to both products here), although Quizmaker doesn't really use Triggers or Variables, so I think you're using Storyline.

Having said that, the answers to quiz questions aren't really stored inside variables by default.  If your colleague has built a quiz manually using interactions from scratch, the following Screenr might help to clarify how you can track down the usage of variables:

If that doesn't help, could you share a copy of your .story project file here in the community so that we can take a closer look at the problem with you?  Thanks!

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