Quizmaker File Missing

Apr 28, 2015

On Friday, I opened a PPT file that contained a Quizmaker file.  It opened fine, I updated it and saved it.

Then, I sent a note to a co-worker to go into my file and open it to review it, again from PPT, then opening the quiz.  She was able to view it and emailed me two suggested edits. She said she did not save the file or change anything.

When I tried to open the quiz from the PPT/Presenter file today, by clicking to  it today, I received a message that it could not access the quiz, and please locate the quiz.  I have searched my local drive, the network drive I shared it from, my desktop, all I find is a .tmp file.  I cannot locate the quiz.  Does anyone have ideas?

I have the published file in my local drive, and it opens with the quiz, but of course I cannot edit from that file.  

3 Replies
Leslie McKerchie

Hi Sally!

When creating, editing, and publishing Articulate Presenter '13 courses, be sure you're working on your local hard drive (typically your C: drive). Working on a network drive or a USB drive can cause erratic behavior, such as file corruption, an inability to save changes, and loss of resources. See this article for more information.

If you need to collaborate, please follow this workflow.

To understand how your quiz is saved in your presentation, check this article out.

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