Quizmaker MS Word Export

Aug 27, 2013

Is there a way to export Quizmaker assessments to a Word template rather than the generic format it exports to by default? We use backup "paper" assessments in case of LMS downtime and use a specific template for them. Currently we create the backups manually but it would be nice to be able to export to our template from Quizmaker.

3 Replies
Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Jim and welcome to Heroes! 

Could you publish to Word as well? You'd want to be sure to choose  the output option to have "Questions only" - and it will show each question on it's on page/slide. This wouldn't put it into your default template, but it would keep the formatting as you have it set up within Quizmaker. 

Jim Post

Hi Ashley,

Thanks for the welcome and your response.

That's what we're currently doing. We publish twice to Word. Once with answers and once with questions only. From there we're doing a lot of manual work to put them in the formats/styles we want. I was hoping there might be a way to export in Word with a bit more richness to the final output.


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