slide view more quickly?

Mar 23, 2012

I am going through an edit process which requires that I open each quiz question in "slide view".  I am finding all the clicking very tedious.  Is there some way to page through all my questions in slide view without having to open each one individually?

3 Replies
Allie Marino

Thanks Peter!  That worked like a charm and is a great time saver but.....I ran into a little glitch.  When I alter my formatting from this slide view, it works, but when I wen i changed options on my media (video) for it to "play automatically" and to "show movie controls" it would not save those changes.  In order to make those changes, I had to go back to form view, from there go to slide view, then initiate the change.  Then... it stuck.  Is there a trick?

Thanks again!!


Peter Anderson

Hey Allie,

Hmm, I'm not able to reproduce that on my end. Sometimes closing the program and re-opening it can shake out some cobwebs, or even a clean re-boot. But if that does continue to happen, I'd suggest uploading the .QUIZ file to us so we can take a closer look. Thanks, and glad you'll be able to save some clicks once this gets sorted out!

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