39 Replies
Katie Riggio

Hi Liz!

Thanks for writing to us!

Right now, there isn't a closed caption feature in Replay. We're tracking requests for one, so I'll share your post with my team.

A few ideas in the meantime:

  • In Replay, you can use the lower third feature, which is similar to closed captions: Adding Lower Thirds
    Note: The title field is limited to 200 characters, and you won't be able to turn them off.
  • Since you're using Articulate 360, you can import the video into Storyline 360 to use its robust closed caption feature: Importing Closed Captions for Narration and Videos
Jason Frey

Hi Katie, just to confirm my understanding - the workaround here would be to create and edit the video in Replay, publish it, import it into Storyline, add the closed captions, then publish that project as a video file? I think that will work, but the amount of time involved makes this really cumbersome for my organization's purposes. 

ETA: I see now that my understanding was incorrect. Functionally, there seems to be no way to wind up with a video file that includes captions - the only solution is a published Storyline file. There are several use cases where it would be ideal to post and share a video file rather than sending my users to the LMS, so this isn't close to an ideal solution for my needs. 

In any case: +1 to the request for closed captioning in Replay. This honestly feels like it should be baseline functionality in 2023.