360 Image View Direction Variable in Storyline?

Oct 08, 2023


I'm building an adventure style activity using 360 degree images which involves navigating through a few rooms. Although one can set the view direction on an image, it is fixed. i.e. whenever the mage is loaded, one always has the same initial view. I use 3D software to render the 360 degree images.

Is there any way to set the view vector using a variable (perhaps though Javascript) so that if a learner returns to a room through a door they previously stepped through, the door is behind them when the image is loaded upon their return? 

I can work around this by loading a completely separate image, on a layer, of the room they left with the view set so the door is behind, but it is so cumbersome and time consuming that it's not something I could justify the time to regularly use or easily pass on to other team members as process. 

Any help, or perhaps another approach, would be much appreciated.


8 Replies
Jose Tansengco

Hello Mark, 

Thanks for reaching out!

There isn't a way to modify the 360° Image in Storyline 360 the way you described, but we do have an open feature request for Better control of orientation / position in 360 degree images. I've added your voice to the feature request so we can notify you if any updates are made available. Thanks again for letting us know that this is a feature you're interested in seeing!

Cindy Geedey

I've dealt with exactly the same issue in a game I built and used the workaround you described. I have two different scenes that contain identical slides, differering only in that initial views vary according to where the learner is coming from. It is cumbersome and I hate passing this on to anyone else to maintain, for that reason. But am clear in the instructions that essentially duplicate slides need to be maintained.

Please add my voice to the feature request as well!