A strange one - numbering is oddly corrupted

Jun 22, 2012

I guess this one MAY be a support call, however....

I have a slide with 3 x buttons - each of which fires up a layer. On each layer is text - 4 paragraphs, each numbered, just using text to number. Are 1-4, 5-8, and 9-12.

When Previewed, it is fine.

When Published, all the numbers are skwonky and looks like number monkeys have attacked it - see below.

Any ideas?

My particular favourite is what it does with the last 4 points 9 - 12 inc.

Cannot even guess on this one.....


6 Replies
Kevin Thorn

I've heard the myth since childhood that 1z comes after Zero just before 11. It's TRUE!

Seriously Bruce, not sure where to start troubleshooting this one. I've built similar structures with independent boxes and numbering but haven't experienced that "swonkyness."

Obvious question: Is the bulleted numbering turned off? (on?)


  • Use variables for the numbers as separate text boxes. 
  • Create four variables for the numbers: first, second, third, fourth
  • Set their defaults accordingly as 1, 2, 3, 4
  • First layer displays defaults.
  • Second layer Add+ "4" to each variable. So now they'll be 5, 6, 7, 8
  • Repeat for Third and Fourth layers.

To your point it may be a bug so worth a support ticket. The above is a bit of unnecessary work but may solve the problem in the short-term.

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