Accessibility in Storyline 2 : Accessibility; Page title in browser

Apr 21, 2017


I'm working on a series of templates for use across the entire organization that I work for. 
I have just received feedback from our accessibility department and among a few items, have run into one that I can't seem to fix. 

The feedback was this: 

Screen reader users not alerted when new content loads.
This is because users rely on the browser page title (which is the first thing that the JAWS reader sees) to alert them of their whereabouts in the course as well as telling them that there is new contents. 

Being unfamiliar outside of the reading order and alt text features, what can I do to ensure that it is evident to our learners that they are on a new page/new content is present? 

Any tips would be very much appreciated! 


1 Reply
Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Michelle,

I checked with one of our QA leads who does a lot of work with Accessibility and she confirmed this is something that is author controlled. 

We don't list slides as unique URLs, and that is one of the main ways that JAWS (or other screen readers) would know what page you were on. 

You could look at adding new headers to each slide and JAWS would read those once the user tabs to that slide element or indicating a Page # count and designing that as the first item in the tab order? Here is a bit more information about the tab order and other accessibility items. 

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