Accessibility, Screen Readers and Images troubleshooting: Storyline 360

Mar 28, 2022

Hi! I'm having a pretty specific problem while building an accessible course in Storyline 360. For some reason, some images are showing up as "clickable" when read via a screen reader. 


My accessibility consultant noted that removing extra states from these images can solve this problem, however, there don't appear to be any different states attached to these images! Any idea what is going on, and how to ensure a screen reader will only note the fact of the flat image and not announce it as clickable? 

5 Replies
Leslie McKerchie

Hello Team Soapbox, and welcome to E-Learning Heroes. 😊

I appreciate you chiming in and sharing what you are experiencing with your images and a screen reader. 

Your consultant is certainly on the right track. Would you be able to share a sample slide with one of these images causing the clickable announcement in the screen reader?

Storyline 360: Importing Slides from Other Storyline Projects

Team  Soapbox

Hi Leslie! Thanks for responding. 

I've duplicated my project and deleted the majority of the content so that I can isolate the few slides my consultant pointed out issues with (also replaced content with lorem ipsum as it's not finished and somewhat confidential). The below link, or attached file, should be appearing to you and others exactly as it appeared to her, as far as the clickable images goes. 

There don't appear to be any states applied to the images, and all these images shown are ones she pointed out as appearing to be clickable when read with her screen reader. Let me know if looking at the files sparks any ideas! Thanks again.


Noah Antisdel

In some cases, images were read as "clickable" because on a previous layer they were clickable. I use scenarios and the user has an option to click on an image to go through a scenario depicted in that image. If I use that same image on a layer, it will show up there as clickable too, with no way to remove that, other than using a different image. 

I would like to know how to fix this though. In another case I have an image with no additional states that isn't used as a clickable object anywhere in the project. 

Maria Costa-Stienstra

Hello, Team Soapbox and Noah.

Thank you for reaching out!

Can you please confirm the version of Storyline you are using? 

If you're not using the latest version (Build 3.62.27443.0), I recommend updating it, as there were a few fixes related to screen readers. 

If you are still experiencing this behavior in Update 62, please reach out through a support case so we can continue to investigate.