Account Access

Sep 23, 2016

I am just starting with Articulate Storyline & wish to collaborate with few trainers who want to get their course designed in Storyline. I am not sure whether I can access Storyline account (provided trainers give me their storyline login details) of multiple trainers to make these courses. Or is there a way to transfer these files to their Storyline account so that they can edit it in the future?

How shall i deliver to my end client?

1 Reply
Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Rachna,

Welcome to the Heroes community and it's great to hear you're getting started with Storyline! The files are not associated with a particular account but should be housed locally on an individuals computer. If you need access to the files to make your own edits in Storyline you'll want to begin by downloading the Storyline trial (You'll need to use your ELH login as your Articulate ID to download the trial) and then you'll want to have your trainers provide you the .story files to open. Please ensure they're downloaded and saved locally as detailed here as working off a network or shared drive could cause odd behavior in your files.

Let us know if you need anything else! 

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