Add more than one link within a marker?

Aug 10, 2012

Hi all,

I was hoping to use the marker feature as a means to create a custom menu for my e-learning courses. Unfortunately, I have only been able to add one hyperlink to each marker. Is there anyway around this? 

Can someone help me understand why we would be limited to one link.



3 Replies
Adrian Dean

Hi Ian,

It is possible to add more than one hyperlink to a marker. When the user clicks on the marker it expands to show a text box and within that text box you can insert as many hyperlinks as you want .

If you want to assign a hyperlink to the marker object itself, you are correct in that only one hyperlink can be assigned.

Always Happy to Help,


Ian Monk

Hi Adrian,

Thanks for the quick reply.

I'm not sure why I was having difficulty with this. I tried it again and it worked.

Although I had to had an extra line between each hyperlink to make it work. Without the extra space, Articulate was reading the text as one giant hyperlink. That was my bad.

Thanks again,


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