Another User Error question on merging scenes

Oct 01, 2013

So I created a new 'scene' within a current project.  It's a screen recording of how to enter time off but I want to place those 14 slides in the middle of another scene for better information flow.  I tried to drag and drop but it didn't work.  What am I doing wrong?


1 Reply
Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Ericka, 

When you drag the slides, you'll see a small blue arrow appear above or below the area where you're trying to drop it - if you don't see the arrow, or drop where the arrow is, it'll return to the original section. You could also copy/paste the slides into the correct scene, and then move them within the scene. About half way through this tutorial you'll see a section on rearranging items within the scene. 

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