Appear by paragraph without Animation

Dec 23, 2014

I know I can use an entrance animation to display text within the same text box, by paragraph.  But is there a way to just add an "appear" option to animation so that I can display the text (with no animation) by paragraph, instead of creating multiple text boxes?

19 Replies
Jose Arroyo

Yes.  What I want to do is have a single text box with multiple lines of text, and have the text appear by paragraph - which is an option when I choose an animation.  I can then drag each individual paragraph to a point in the time line.  I want to do this without an animation, I just want the text to appear (by paragraph), from a single text box.

Jose Arroyo

OK thank you.   I would like to suggest this feature to be added.  How can I submit this request? 

It would be quicker than creating multiple text boxes.   An option to show text by paragraph (without having to use an animation) within a single text box would save some development time as I don't want to animate, just show text line by line - without having to worry about aligning and spacing individual text boxes.

Derek Sanford

Peter Anderson wrote elsewhere "Hi Josh, 

It sounds like you want them to animate "all at once". If you animate them "by first level paragraph", you can adjust the timing for each line of text by clicking the triangle next to your text box in the timeline to expand its contents. Then you can modify the timing for each line of text individually."

I think I had the same question today.  The triangle expands every text bullet you created, then let's you add cue points on the timeline.  Now I'm back on track.

Wendy Farmer

Hi Philippe

Do you mean you want each line of the paragraph to have a different animation? Otherwise when you animate the paragraph and move each item out on the timeline it should take the animation from the 'group' - is that not happening for you...see attached

Crystal Horn

Hi Philippe!  Is it possible that you attached Wendy's video to your reply?  I'm seeing the same thing twice!  😉

I'm getting the same behavior as Wendy.  I noticed in your initial post with the screenshots that the first picture shows the paragraph as a group of bullet points, but it isn't selected.  So the "None" for animation isn't connected to that text box because the text box isn't selected on your timeline.

I can't figure out how you have the text box broken into the group of bullet point lines without having an animation applied.  Could you kindly try again to attach your screen recording of what's happening on your end from start to finish?  Thanks so much - we'll get it figured out! ☺️

Philippe JEANTY

Sure :) Somehow i don't seem to get the notifications of answer I will try to figure this out.

I included 2 clips. The first is from editing within my whole presentation (.5 GB more or less). You will see that Animation defaults to Fade and when I tried to change Fade to Wipe From Left, the down triangle disappears and the text gets all aligned on the timeline.

TO make sure this was not a corruption of the presentation i copied just that slide to a story and redid the same steps. Interestingly i cannot remove the animation, it stays on Fade.


Wendy Farmer

Hi Philippe

sticking my bib in here - see attached Peek.  There was a wipe from bottom animation applied to to the text box.  I changed it from 'all at once' to 'by paragraph' and the triangle appears - allowed me to move statements around on the timeline (just did a selection)  - is this the issue you having?


Philippe JEANTY

Wendy as usual you solved the issue. So I just had to reselect the "by paragraph". I had assumed that if it was selected for one animation mode like Fade it was automatically selected for other modes.

You ARE my hero, and best of all because of the time difference you are there when i need it most ! 


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