Articulate 2 video play through issues on Mobile

Sep 20, 2015

Hi there,

I'm quite new to Articulate and am still getting my head around things so I hope you all can help.

My problem is this: I have a few .mp4 videos in my course that need to be watched before the user can continue. They begin automatically and the video controls are hidden. On the page's next button, I have a state change to "normal" once the video has played through so that the user can advance.


This works fine on desktop in various browsers types. However, when I watch the videos on an ipad (currently running iOS 8), the video plays through and the state change occurs, but when the user clicks "next" to advance, you're taken back to the same video page and are frozen there. You can't access any navigation or help pages. You CAN however play the video again but this doesn't reactive the next button or anything.



3 Replies
Kate Turk

This is a version of the file that has the problem section isolated. I've continued to build around the problem while continuing to look for solutions.

I've been testing through SCORM Cloud on a couple different versions of iPads but haven't tested in any kind of Android device. 

thanks for reaching out!

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