Articulate Player API documentation, Add custom method for specific "Player Event trigger"

May 04, 2015

Hi Every,

I am new to the forum and Articulate.
Is there any API Documentation available for the articulate? Means which
event(method names) is triggered when player is start or stop, lecture is completed, next/previous lecture etc. actually I have created some custom quiz system for the articulate, and I would like to show the Custom Quiz button once articulate video is completed.

Please refer me to the proper documentation and events, that which event is trigger when specific action is happens.


5 Replies
Leslie McKerchie

Hi Qazi!

I'm not sure that I understand the question fully.

Triggers perform actions at specified times. They're key to building interactivity in Articulate Storyline courses, and we've made them super easy to use. See this tutorial to learn how.

States let you change the appearance of an object based on learner interaction. For example, you might enlarge a button when learners hover over it or add a glow effect when they click it. You can even change character expressions and poses with states. Most objects in Articulate Storyline support states. Here's how to add and edit states.

Qazi Hamayun

Hi Leslie McKerchie!

Thanks for the reply, I don't want to add trigger using the software,

Actually What I want is

I need to controller or trigger my custom methods on specific event occur


When Video is started, I want to alert a message "video started"

When Video is ended/completed, I want to alert a message "video completed"

If a user clicked at Pause button, I want to alert a message "video paused"

and if user clicked at Play button, Alert "Video playing"

Please tell me that, Where I can look into the Player events ?

I hope you understand my point

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