Articulate Storyline Project Storage

Jul 16, 2015

Sorry for the rudimentary question, but I haven't purchased Storyline yet and am wondering how most of you store and distribute your completed projects? Do you have a dedicated server?  Do you use Articulate Online? Do you publish to YouTube (in fact, can you publish to YouTube)? Any help would be appreciated so we can make a final purchase decision. Thanks!

5 Replies
Michael Hinze

Q: Do you have a dedicated server? A: I do use my own server to host draft versions of projects during development. After a project is complete, the published files are passed on to the client for hosting, either on their site or LMS. I sometimes also share content via GoogleDrive or DropBox.

Q: Do you use Articulate Online? A: Personally, I don't. For testing of SCORM-compliance, I use SCORMCloud. 

Q: Do you publish to YouTube (in fact, can you publish to YouTube)? A: There is no built-in option to pubish to YouTube. As a workaround, you could run the published content, record it some some screenrecording tool, e.g. ScreenFlow or Replay and publishe the recording as a video which then can be uploaded to YouTube.

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