Audio needs to play after trigger paraments are met

Oct 13, 2015

Hi experts,

I've been using Storyline for a couple of weeks and almost have my first course ready to release. Throughout the course I use knowledge checks in which the learner must select four correct responses to a question (out of six choices) before the slide will advance. Each response has brief audio feedback like, "good job," that plays based on their selections. I have built the trigger to advance the slide once the learner selects the four correct responses, but I want the last correct response's audio to play before the slide advances. I suspect a variable is needed here, but I'm not that good yet!

A million thanks for your assistance.


2 Replies
Kim Dion

Maybe I figured it out, but let me know if there is an easier way:

I added a variable to the slide to go from false to true when the four correct buttons had been visited.

Then I added a trigger to each of the correct buttons to Jump to the next slide when the timeline had ended for that button AND the variable had turned to TRUE for all four buttons having been visited.

(If my stab at this is correct then KUDOS to the Storyline developers for crafting a piece of software that even an old dog like me can figure out!!!)

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