Audio not playing

Mar 19, 2020

I have the latest version of Storyline 3.  I am importing audio I recorded in Audition and it is not playing in any preview mode or on the timeline. It will only playing in the Audio Editor.

I tried changing the file to a wav at 16bit at 44kHz pcm. I also tried just recording straight into storyline. Both had the same results.

Any help is appreciated!!!

5 Replies
Vincent Scoma

Hi Sarah,

I'm sorry to hear about this snag you are running into. Let's see if we can get to the bottom of this! 

Does this behavior seem to happen in every file you are working on? If so, I would reccommend trying a simple repair of Storyline 3 to see if that helps. 

If you can share your file with me, I am more than happy to take a closer look! You can share files in this thread, or you're always welcome to share them privately here. I'll let you know my findings and will delete it after having a closer look!

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