Audio Triggers

Mar 01, 2017

Hi I have a slide with 6 icons for learners to click on to hear different audio from each icon. Can I set the trigger so only one can be clicked on at a time? Otherwise, if you move on to a new icon too quickly it plays the recordings over each other and it is a mess.


6 Replies
Wendy Farmer

Hi Jenny

A couple of ways to do this

Select the 6 icons > right click and create a button set.  This means only one icon can be selected at any time. Depending on your setup - you made need to add triggers to start/stop the audio.


Add each audio file to it's own layer. Set a trigger to show layer a when user clicks icon a.  and another trigger to hide layer when audio completes or when user clicks another icon.

If those don't work - its easier to help if you can share your file so we can see your setup.

Alison Coops

A button set seems like it might be the perfect answer to my situation. I had layers set up but couldn't get that option to do what I need it to.  All 5 audio files need to be on the slide in order for them to be available to trigger when an oval is clicked. How do I get them to plan when and only when the trigger is clicked?  If I put them all at the beginning of the timeline they all play at the beginning.  If I put the at the end of the timeline, they're not playing when clicked. I'm missing something.  Thanks,