Best way to build an interactive screen with many layers, clicks and mouseovers?

Mar 25, 2022

Hello all, 

I've been struggling to build an interactive exercise in SL360 and I am wondering if I am pushing the limits of its capabilities (or if there is a simpler way to make this).   

I can't share the actual screen, since the work is for a client, so I made this very silly and unrelated mockup. 

The main topic is photography - how to prepare.

There are three separate subtopics - (Adults, Babies, Pets).

On each subtopic's screen, there are three panes of advice - Camera Tips, Lighting Tips, Posing Tips.

Here's the problem:  

On screen #1, I want the learner to click on the subtopic buttons (Adults, Babies, or Pets), so that I can change the state of the button to show it was visited. 

On the inside screens (#2, 3, and 4) I want the learner to mouseover the tabs to change the advice.

In all cases, I want the other tabs and buttons to dim out, like you see in this embarrassing mockup. 

I've tried everything I've read, but ultimately I can't figure out the best approach to build this.  I can get the buttons to work, but the inside pages with the mouseover components appear and disappear. 

Should I just build each of these slides manually (as whole-slide 'states') and then just use 'jump to slide number x' to make it look like it's working?

Any insight would be greatly appreciated.  BTW, the real project I'm working on has eight topic areas with three tabs of content per screen :-)





3 Replies
Jeff Phillips


Your example works perfectly.

I see how you 'jump to slide' instead of my approach of trying to achieve all interactions using layers on a single slide. The simplicity is brilliant.

I can't thank you enough for taking the time to help me with this — you even built a working example.  My forthcoming work week just got much brighter.

