Bookmarking When Jumping to New Scene

Jun 15, 2015


I have a course with a Menu tab button so user can jump to the Menu Scene at any time throughout the course.

I noticed that if you are midway through a Chapter and then click on MENU, you don't get the option to resume where you left off. If you click on the Chapter title link that you were viewing from the Menu screen, it starts at the beginning of the Chapter again.

Any way to get it to jump back to the previously viewed Scene and resume where left off?



11 Replies
Bryce Gilbert

Thanks Leslie. Yes, I already have On restart: Prompt to resume and have checked off ignore Flash cookie. However clicking the Chapter button starts the Chapter from the beginning instead of resuming.

If you are halfway thru a Chapter, close and restart the course you can resume where you left off in the Chapter. It's only when you click on Menu button to get to the menu Scene where clicking on the same Chapter button starts the Chapter over again.

Will Woodward

I've encountered a similar challenge and am wondering if you were able to find a solution? I have a project with multiple scenes and I too am giving the users the ability to move back to the main menu throughout each individual scene, as well as the ability to move between slides within the scene. However, if the user chooses to return to the menu during a scene, I'd like to give them the ability to resume the scene they were in by jumping to the slide they were on instead of having to start the entire scene over. 

Wendy Farmer

Hi Will

are you talking about the users initial visit through the module - jumping from scene to main then back to where they were in the scene or are you referring to the resume feature once the module has been completed and they jump out and back in?

If the first, the previous button default is set up to go the previously visited slide so if they were in scene 2 slide 4 and went the main menu then clicked Previous button it should take them back to scene 2 slide 4.

Will Woodward

Hi Wendy, 

It is the first, however I don't have a "previous" button set up in the main menu. Instead, there are links that take the user to the different scenes. So I was thinking that I could use some variable/trigger combination to force the scene to jump to the slide that the user left off on, but so far I haven't been able to figure out a successful formula. 

Will Woodward

Just wanted to share with you all that I found a solution! I created a number variable for each scene (or chapter in Hugh's case) and created a trigger on each slide within the scene to adjust that variable to a number unique to each slide. From the main menu, when the learner clicks on the link to launch a chapter/scene, I created a trigger to jump to the last slide visited within the targeted scene, based on the value of that scene's number variable. Hope that helps, let me know if you have any questions or further suggestions if there's a simpler solution. 

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